Catalonia Place

Many of them helped in the reconstruction of the camping. The volunteers were in charge to clean all the place. They will maintain a pacific attitude before the fans who go to celebrate a supposed victory of the Bara in the Champions. Hundreds of citizens of all the ages have visited the place of Catalonia, to animate ' indignados' to follow with its protest, and others to collaborate in the reorganization of the camping after the police operation of this Friday, that has obtained more adhesions than ever to the protest movement. Families with children who have participated in painting factories organized by the encamped ones, people majors that have attended the spontaneous interventions on the facts of this Friday and the situation of the country, peculiar, and people of all the ages have turned east Saturday the place into an authentic celebration. First that has done this morning ' indignados' she has been to leave the clean place like " one patena" , to only demonstrate that the police action of, with the excuse of which there was to clean, was unnecessary yesterday and they tried to evacuate them. You sweep, dishwashers, water, soap and lye has been used by brigades of young people to clean to the ample center circle of the place of Catalonia by far greater zeal than in the previous days of encamped.

Now what everybody delay is to see the position that will be taken with respect to a possible celebration in the near Boulevard of a victory of the F.C. Barcelona in the end of the Champions, a decision that the encamped ones will adopt in an assembly, according to has said. They have remembered, through an official notice sent to the mass media, that before the celebrations that can be produced will have " a pacific and respectful attitude, since they are doing until now " , and that " there will be no type of provocation towards the people who celebrate the title, in case of victory of the Bara".