The license of first occupation is one of main procedures prior to the final delivery of a dwelling. Ensures that this is perfectly habitable and its facilities are suitable for your use, i.e. This license confirms that the work meets the conditions of structural soundness, wholesomeness and use to its habitability. Upon completion of the works, the person concerned presents in the competent body, normally the Department of urbanism or corresponding Town Hall, the works management certificate. It is usual that a technician in the Town Hall take a tour to work and carry out the timely inspection, in order to verify that the building conforms to the original project.
Then it will emit the corresponding reports and the license will be processed. The first occupation license is mandatory for all new buildings or those who suffer from a significant modification. At least, thus stipulates it the applicable law, contained in article 214.c of Legislative Decree 1/2005 of 10 June, who approves the text consolidated in the law of the soil of the Murcia, which obliges the buildings, once its construction or alteration, to obtain the license of first occupation. Furthermore, without it it will be almost impossible to hire the basic supplies of a dwelling as light, water or gas. The law of the soil of the Region of Murcia as well estimated in its article 220: supplying electricity, water, gas and telecommunications companies shall require for the final engagement of the respective services accreditation license of first occupation and activity, where appropriate, for the provision of the service. The accreditation of the urban licence, is required for temporary recruitment, noting as maximum period of duration of such contracts laid down in the license for the execution of the works. However, some municipalities have issued their own Ordinances before little regulation in this field.
This is the case, for example, of the Murcia City Council which approved the last January a text which regulated the first occupation and replaced the previous license known as certificate of habitability. The license of first occupation in the municipality of Murcia the main points of the Ordinance can be summarized in the following aspects: purpose: authorise the putting into use of buildings or facilities, after verifying that the work performed conforms to the license granted, and that it meets the technical conditions of security, safety and accessibility. Types of dwellings subject to this license: resulting from works of new plant buildings, General or partial reforms that have altered the use to which was allocated originally. Applicants. You are required to apply for this license holders for the urban licence for works. Deadlines. 3 months is the maximum period in which resolution, should be notified whenever requests are accompanied by the relevant documentation. Supply of services. The supplier companies of services (water, gas, electricity, telecommunications) required for the provision of the service accreditation of having obtained the license of first occupation.