Inter Society Working Group Sensation

The humming is the perception of the sound when it does not have any present noise. The severe humming is considered the third worse problem that can acometer the human being, second research carried through for the Public Health Agency of America, in 1984/85. All the too much threats as cancer, paralyses, blindness and deafness appear later in the list. As the humming, the body can react as if constantly it was threatened. When this situation exceeds the capacity of tolerance of the person, can occur estresse.

Thus, the humming becomes many times debilitating problem, hindering normal life e, in some cases, being able until precipitating a suicide. In accordance with FUDUKA (1997), buzzed is a otoneurolgica manifestation that power to be defined as sensation of a sound perceived for the independent individual of a external sonorous source, also is called of tinnitus or clinked. ALBERNAZ (1997) affirms that buzzed it is a sensation of sound generated for the proper auditory system or the surrounding structures. Already BLESSED (1998) it defines buzzed as an auditory illusion, that is, a sonorous sensation unrelated to a external source of stimulation. The definition given for the Inter Society Working Group on Hearning Disability (1992) satisfies the majority of the requirements ' ' a sound sensation that does not present an acoustic or mechanical external stimulaton and does not present any physiological origin manifesta' '. It has consensus in literature on the humming to be decurrent of an aberrant neural activity in the auditory ways. The humming can be classified under some forms, but, one of the most used classifications divides the subjective or objective humming in. The subjective humming is the form most common and if it translates for an activity, spontaneous in the auditory ways perceived as sonorous sensation only for the patient. In the objective humming, as much the patient as one another observer to be able to hear a sound that emanates of the auditory conduit of the patient or the adjacent regions.