Family and Motivation

Your family is your best motivation in your life and in your negocio(en particular para tu negocio multinivel), is, or should be, one of the strongest because, in my opinion family is as a port where always returns a glass. This vessel can travel around the world, but always returns in its port, always. This is the subject of the article growth spiritual Tu Familia, El Oasis in the desert of life part two, published on 10 December 2010, on the website, so here we go! It is also true that there are people who live alone, without relatives nearby, and considered his friends as a family that you can choose, people divorced, widows, adopted, abandoned, no one in this world, it is true and it is very sad, it should not be so, there are people who do not support a few of their relatives, we don’t have to forget and ignore this reality. For a year I worked in a factory, and a companion has confessed to me that you have moved into this city and his parents died, and she has not had contact with their family, uncles, aunts, cousins, raw, his friends were now more fences of his heart than his own family, said to me something like this: if they were not interested in me, I’m not going to interest for them, with my friends in my opinion enough for me family has to be always together, respect your parents, love your wife, your children, every day to thank God for the blessing of having a wonderful, beautiful, United and indestructible family. Don’t forget, every day give a hug to your wife, your children, and tell them that you love them, that will increase your faith, your spirituality, and it is very good for your family also, don’t look for excuses that the life is very hard, you don’t have time, as these much more concerned to bring the food on the table for your family like to do these simple things and stupid. Your children need your approval, your words of support, appreciation, tell them very well, even though they have a very small achievement, say nice words, which are good, which are smart, that they they can do anything in life. Practical exercise: 1.

meditate for 10 minutes about the importance of your family in your life. 2. Today, gave every Member of your family that you want to. 3 Embraces each of your members of your family. For example, I’ve developed an exercise called collective hug, i.e.

for a few moments, we embrace us all, in this moment we feel that our family is indestructible, that idea I was inspired a movie, I don’t remember as it is called, a woman, artist, had 10 children, and a man, was captain in the Navy, had 8 children, and married, and now the family was of 18 children, there, women had this habit of collective embrace with her 10 children, some of them were adopted, and they had a pig as a pet. 4 Gives thanks to God every day, in the morning, nothing more than thou risest bed, for your family. At the end, leave me a comment on this article, I would like to know what you think, what are your problems. Thanks a lot.