
Somehow, it comes increasingly to the one in the media by the word “funds” hear, but unfortunately knows at this day, hardly a man, what the term means in general. Basically, the explanation is quite simple. Funds of funds are investment funds, the money of investors to invest in various mutual funds, which means if you lose a little money into a “normal” fund invests and the company has invested in that one, but comes in a not so good financial situation, Fond a certain value, thus the investors of capital. This is especially for inexperienced investors will Risky situation. Therefore, there is a fund of funds, which consist of several securities, thereby becomes a “bottleneck” of a company by a ramp-up of another company within this fund of funds collected. Thus the investor has little or no loss on his investment. Certainly there are some disadvantages or risks, because the so-called Dachfondmanager can pay for his services, which are costs in addition to the administrative costsincurred as at the end of the year, may have generated a certain percentage. But who is the Dachfondmanager anyway This is the one who pushes the money from fund to fund to the investor to avoid a possible loss. Among other things, must be considered in the possible investment in a Fund of Funds, the cost in any case. The easiest way is if you are well informed in the bank’s own expectations about the current structure of the possible investment funds.