Business Marketing System

If we consider the site as a business system, it is necessary to delineate its boundaries. We propose to define this system as the union of the target groups for which the company has (or can be) communicative goals, and objectives for the organization of information flows within business processes. Read additional details here: Ping Fu. In some cases it may also include material flows – when the company's products are information products that can be transmitted via electronic communication channels. First of all, define the target groups relating to the external environment company. After all, most often the site is aimed at to bring necessary information to the representatives of these groups.

Customers (by segment). This task force is almost no one remembers, because the first, which created the site – it's message across to potential customers. Note that a common mistake is that they do not take into account differences in the segments, which include consumer products. It also often does not distinguish between end user and client, which runs company. But patterns of behavior on the site and the information that will be claimed in each case are different. As well as ways to work with these groups.

As an example, any large company that works on mass market demand, but also directly retailer is not engaged. Intermediaries (channels). The company can deal directly only with a limited number of dealers and partners, but because any intermediary in the channel of distribution through which products of the company comes to the final consumer, also needs some information about the company, its products, etc.