– The judge in office. How do I apply?: Through a single form available on the Commissioners, the Court of Guard, social services, municipal, regional or state, the Public Prosecutor or the Office of Victim Services.
Where does it occur?: At the Court of Guard, the Public Prosecutor, the Security Forces, the offices of attention to victims or social services and care institutions dependent on government. Care institutions or agencies with knowledge of domestic violence must immediately inform them of the coroner or the prosecuting authority. What is the procedure?: The duty judge, calls for the victim, his legal representative, the applicant, the public prosecutor and the offender, assisted where appropriate, a lawyer at a hearing on an urgent within 72 hours of filing. The judge listens to the parties separately. Held the hearing, the coroner decides by order as appropriate on the application for protection, as well as on the content and validity of the measures to incorporate. The protection order is served on the parties and is communicated by the judge immediately using the full testimony, the victim and the competent public administrations to adopt appropriate protective measures..