It makes me to this to remember Policarpo, bishop of Esmirna, city of Turkey (alive city where with my family since 1998). Diz the history that the Roman proconsul, Antonino Pius, and the civil authorities had tried to persuade it to abandon it its faith in its advanced age, in order to reach its freedom. It however, answered with authority: I have served Christ per 86 years and it never he made me nothing of badly. How I can blaspheme against my King saved who me? I am a believer point without return, and its loyalty the mission that it is trusted not allowed it to retrocede. Arrow for the indians in the side of the river died.
E this loyalty that distinguishes people from value. Pablo said: Inasmuch as, for me, the life is Christ, and dying is profit. (Fil. 1:21). I have flesh-color this I begin in my life? Or I have lost in philosophies and styles of lives that make tie me to have some success, but that they do not condizem with the type of loyalty waits that you of me? It thinks well; and not to make mine better that he goes to please the master but, yes, to make what the Master wants that I knife, so that It if pleases in mim.3. ALLEGIANCE IN the INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS People of value is those that feed the harmony with the others to reach the well biggest one.They place of side stingy differences and they prefer not to give to importance the offences, because they recognize that the enemy is around.
doegues, that to exempt the face, they not only abandon the friends at the moments most crucial, as well as corroborate for the destruction of them. I think that to this I begin it age more important of Jesus in the relation with its disciples. Joo 13:1 says that However, before the Party of Passover, knowing Jesus who was fond its hour to pass of this world for the Father, having loved its that they were in the world, loved them until the o end. inside of four walls. But and to be used in all place, all time, all the life. My desire and that, exactly in way our limitations human beings, Mr. help in them to live, of incarnate form, inside of these principles. that can learn that We are better when in them we surpass proper we, when we do not surpass the others. That it in abenoeLevy s. CastroObreiro supported for the Nas in Turkey. Levy s. CastroEditora Nas – Blog – Under New direction ->