It is necessary that this if makes previously for the professor, and that the game has the paper to fix the content of more efficient form on the part of the pupil. Soon, the objective of this work is to supply to the professor a playful tool to assist the cytology education, and in such a way: To stimulate the pupils to relembrar the subject seen previously; To help in the setting of the content; To work the reasoning, association, logic and organization of ideas of the pupils. 2. Material and method to construct to the breaking cytological head had been used: Uma bristol board (optional color); Figuras of the cellular structures (taken off of the Internet); Folhas of official paper (for impression of images setting in the bristol board); Papel photo (for impression of the cell that will be mounted); Cola, shears and pencil. The applicability of the game was tested in the State School Travelling Jnior, Christmas-RN, in the group of as nocturnal year EJA.
To the fifteen pupils they had participated and they all evaluated the game. First it was asked to the pupils if these already had had lesson on cytology, and it did not have a convergence in the reply, but they had said that already they had heard the least to speak on the subject, however did not remember very on the same. After this sounding, the breaking head was rank in the center of the room and the pupils if they had put around of it. Each student removed a part and read in high voice the characteristic written behind the same one. After the reading all the pupils went helping to find organela corresponding to the characteristic, together with tips that went being given they throughout the game. After the assembly of the breaking head the pupils had evaluated the game amongst five options that had been given to them: Divertido, however, I could not use it very well for still not remembering me of subject not vi the content.